Top 10 Easy HTML & CSS Pagination Designs

Hey friends, if you're looking for easy to navigate, free, and easy pagination design for your website then you're at the right place. Pagination can be found everywhere on the web and you may know, pagination is a method or process of dividing the web contents, or a section of content into discrete pages. It is common and most used in web design and it is still the most popular way or method to load a new page on a website. Pagination also plays a significant role in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website. It helps the search engine bots to easily index your articles, pages, or post and rank them.

In this blog, you'll see the collection of some stylish, best, innovative, and user-friendly pagination designs that are created with modern design and techniques. All the pagination designs that are shown on this blog are created with HTML CSS & JavaScript and these are ready to use for any kind of website. But before implementing these paginations on your site, you may have to change some lines of code according to your site layout, content, etc.

1.  CSS Line Pagination with Hover

This is a pure CSS line pagination with hover animation. You may have seen this type of line animation on the different navigation menus and the same concept is used on this pagination. In this design, there are some pagination numbers with an underline or line. When you hover on the particular pagination number, this line slide to stay on the bottom of that particular hovered number.

CSS Line Pagination with Hover

2. Pure CSS3 Responsive Pagination Design

Here is an example of a pure CSS3 responsive pagination design. As you can see in the preview image, there are shown the different sizes and widths of pagination designs that are actually shown on different devices. In this design, there are some pagination numbers with next and previous buttons. When you hover on a particular number, there is shown a simple black background as a hover effect.

Pure CSS3 Responsive Pagination Design

3. CSS Pac-Man Pagination Design

Here is a pretty cool pagination design with the retro effect which is created with pure HTML & CSS. In this design, each page is shown by the dots and when you click on the particular dot, the pac-man move to the particular clicked dot. If your site is related to gaming then you can use this pagination design on your pagination section and also you can use this on other sites.

CSS Pac-Man CSS Pagination

4. CSS Stylish Pagination Design

As mentioned in the name, this is a fancy and stylish pagination design that is created with HTML CSS & jQuery. As we know, in modern design, geometrical shapes are used to create a unique looking of the websites and this pagination design is the perfect example. This pagination is not only stylish in looks but it is also functional and works well.

CSS Stylish Pagination Design

5. Simple Roundie Pagination Design

This is a simple pagination design and it is created with HTML & CSS only. In this design, there are no stylish and cool hover effects. If you're looking for a simple pagination design for your site then it will be perfect for you. The best thing about this pagination is, the codes are clean and easy to understand so you can easily customize this design according to your requirements.

Simple Roundie Pagination Design

6. Awesome Pagination Design with CSS

Here is an example of a fancy pagination design. In this design, there is a white box that holds the pagination and some texts. When you click on the particular button of the pagination, there is shown a box-shadow effect that indicates, the particular button is clicked or not. This pagination design is only created for design purposes, so there no function when you click on the particular button.

Awesome Pagination Design with CSS

7. Pagination with Tooltip on Hover

You may have seen tooltips on many websites and it is also an important design element. In this design, there are some dots, and when you hover on the particular dot, there is visible a tooltip with the pagination number. The best thing about this design is, it is created with pure HTML & CSS. Tooltips can be used on the social media buttons, links, and many other elements of the website.

Pagination with Tooltip on Hover

8. Simple Dots Pagination Design

As mentioned in the name, this is a simple pagination design that is based on dots only. In this design, there are some dots with a rounded border, and when you click on the particular dot, the rounded border of that particular dot will be hidden with a smooth animation. If you're looking for this type of dots pagination then you can use this and you can also easily customize this pagination and set the numbers.

Simple Dots Pagination Design

9. JavaScript Functional Pagination Design

As mentioned in the name, this is a functional pagination design and it is created with HTML CSS & JavaScript. In this design, there are a total of 25 pagination numbers with the next and previous buttons. You can easily set the number in this pagination according to your website pages. If you're looking for simple but functional pagination for your website then this is made for you.

JavaScript Functional Pagination Design

10. Pure CSS3 Neumorphism Pagination

This is a simple pagination design with the neumorphism effect. You may know, neumorphism is a design trend UI in 2020 and used by many sites. In this design, there are some pagination numbers with next and previous buttons. When you click on the particular button, there is shown the cool box-shadow effect to indicate to the user that the button is clicked or not. If your website is based on the neumorphism effect and you're looking for a neumorphism pagination section then you can choose this design.

Pure CSS3 Neumorphism Pagination

Comment a pagination design that you like most. If you have also published the pagination designs on codepen, please let me know so I can extend this list :)

Note: All pagination designs that are shown on this blog are published on codepen. alert-info

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