Top 3 Best Code Editors for Web Designers and Developers

Hey friends, if you're new to web design or development and you're looking for the best code editor, then you're at the right place. You may know, a text editor or code editor is a software program that lets you create text files and writing codes for the software. With the help of a code editor, you can easily and conveniently complete our coding related tasks within a short time. The best thing about the text editors is an autocomplete feature which helps you to type or write your codes faster and smartly.

In this blog, you'll see the collection of the three best cross-platform code editors that suit your workflow and goals regarding coding. All text editors that are listed on this blog have all features that help to save your time, improve your coding efficiency and all of them are user-friendly too. These code editors can easily run on three major operating systems (Windows, Mac, and Linux). I hope you'll get the best code editor for your web designing so without wasting more time, let's start.

1. Atom Text Editor 

Atom Text Editor

Atom is a hackable, free, and open-source text editor for the 21st Century. It was created by GitHub and now owned by Microsoft. Atom works across operating systems (Linux, Windows, and OS X). You can easily search and get hundreds of free packages, themes, plugins, or you can also create your one for atom. Atom has smart autocomplete features that helps you to write codes faster and smartly. It has also find and replace features that can help you to easily find, preview, and replace your text as you type in a file.


  • Free & open source
  • File system browser
  • Smart autocompletion
  • Cross-platform editing
  • Built-in package manager


  • Some performance issues that may slow down your pc
  • Git integration is very complicated and confused to set up.
  • It takes some times to open when you install more themes & packages

2. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source code editor for web designers & developers. It was created by Microsoft and it is cross-platform editing software. VS Code is available for all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac). The UI and themes of the vscode are eye-catching and user-friendly. You can install several extensions to add new languages, themes, debuggers, and to connect to additional services. The best thing about visual studio codes is extensions run in separate processes, ensuring they won't slow down your code editor.


  • Git commands built-in
  • Extensible and customizable
  • Autocomplete with IntelliSense
  • Good for multiple and larger projects


  • It takes some time to open
  • Debugging features are limited
  • It consumes so much battery in very little time.

3. Sublime Text Editor

Sublime Text Editor

Sublime is a free, sophisticated, flexible, and fast text editor as compare to others. Many designers and developers mostly use sublime because of the simple UI and fast performance. It is a widely popular text or code editor among web developers and designers. This text editor does not come completely free but it comes with a free trial. You can use this text for free but while you're coding, repeatedly there is appears a prompt that tells you to buy sublime and this creates a little bit of disturbance and may divert your focus.  


  • Cross-platform editing
  • Flexible, lightweight, and fast
  • Multiple selections and split editing
  • Powerful API and package ecosystem


  • Not comes with free
  • Frequently prompts to purchase a new version
  • Formatting a large document file can be complex

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